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U.S.S. Hornet - Paracon 2015, Alameda, CA

Spirit Hunters attended Paracon on the U.S.S. Hornet. It was a blast!! This is an event that Spirit Hunters will attend every year. Although we didn't get any photos or video, we had endless EMF readings. Most of our evidence was gathered in the hospital, the briefing room, the Admiral's office, the officers recreation room and the bridge. I witnessed some amazing dowsing rod activity in the burn center. Lew got a name (Hank Prescott) using dowsing rods in the surgical room. We all witnessed flashlight activity in the surgical room. We had endless EMF readings in the briefing room and Admiral's office. I (Bobby) volunteered to dress as a sailor in the rec room, as a trigger object, and we got some EMF activity there. As a sensitive, I felt strong pressence in the officers mess area, as well, as several restricted corradors. Nut, Lew and I investigated the ship after hours, and explored some really creepy areas of the museum and Marine's quarters. I wish we could have gotten some solid photos and EVP, but it's hard to capture that kind of evidence when you have a hundred investigators, thirteen in our group, all trying to investigate and hound the spirits. Maybe if we locked down as a threesome, we would see more. Never-the-less, it was still amazing, and it made my brother Lew a believer. He was obsessed with finding Hank Prescott in the log books. It was so much fun! Our guides were Heidi and Kris. Twin sisters you may have seen on "Ghost Adventures" when they visited the ship. Very cool people.

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