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Ella's Doll footage - Old Washoe Club, Virginia City, NV. (May 8, 2015)


Nut, Lew and I were given a private tour of all three floors of the Old Washoe Club.  On our tour, we caught this footage of Ella moving the rocking chair that possessed her doll.  It was amazing stuff.  It's hard to see it happening on this video, but in person it was evident.  Nut, Lew, the guide and myself all saw the rocking chair move. 

The Hellyer House - San Jose, California


Photos of the Hellyer House in San Jose California.  I ran down there at lunch and took some photos. I captured two faces.  One was written off as Matrix, but the shot of the little girl peering through the blinds looks real.  Is it?  Not certain...but it is fun to think so. 

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